2017 Events Reports
April 22: Fun Day
This was a wonderful day at Tina Leach farm where Great Lakes PWD Club members and non members learned about the sport of Barn Hunt and the new AKC Trick Dog Program. There were about 18 dogs and 15 handlers who participated in the days event.
The day began at 10:00 AM with Tina Leach discussing the specifics of Barn Hunt. There were many questions and this presentation gave a greater understanding and member interest in the event. We broke for a great pot luck lunch at 11:00 AM, with Scott Lenz bringing the main dish.
After lunch we started back up, learning about the Trick Dog program. Hillary Snyder and "Cawly" demonstrated many of the novice and intermediate tricks, discussing how to train these tricks. Several other attendees demonstrated tricks that they have trained, including Debbie Totten and her four month old puppy "Cali".
Around 1:00 PM, the group introduced their dogs to a rat in a wire cage to try to build dog excitement for the rat. One great tip Karin Graeff gave was to not associate the rat with a treat. Barn Hunt is very different from trick training in that you want the dog to do what is natural for them. Working to get the dog to have drive for the rat alone goes a long way with this sport.
Once dogs were interested in the rat, attendees took turns in the barn trying the instinct level test. Most teams also tried a novice level course and a few experienced teams practiced at the open level. Both Tina and Karin gave excellent individualized feedback to the teams. Participants were done by 2:30 - 3:00 PM.
A big thanks to Tina Leach and Karin Graeff for their help!

February 25: Grooming Workshop
Thank you, Lisa Arnett for instructing the grooming workshop!
There was an excellent group of participants, including 16 working and 4 auditing. The workshop started at 10:00 AM with demonstrations on grooming the head and rear. Then everyone began grooming their dogs with one-on-one instruction from Lisa to address their particular concerns and to provide assistance. We broke from lunch around 12:30 PM, with boxed lunches from Panera. Most participants were done by 3:00 PM.
The Arboroads Farm building was a perfect location for this workshop. We're very pleased that four new members joined the club at the workshop. Also, the GLPWDC introduced our new treat product line, selling 49 boxes of treats.