GLPWDC 2018 Year in Review
The annual Club picnic was held in June at the home of Scott Lenz and David Swank. Our gracious hosts opened their home and property to both Club members and non- members. Everyone brought their dogs and a dish to pass. The dogs enjoyed romping the property and swimming in the pond. The humans enjoyed catching up with each other and meeting new folks. Great food and fun was had by all.
In July a Water Trial Match was held, again at the home of Scott and David. Their pond is just right for water training. Folks interested in water trialing came to test their progress, from as far away as Pennsylvania. Pat Heinzelman and Stan Liebaert were the judges. Others pitched in as stewards. It was a very worthwhile event.
Most of the year was spent preparing to co-host the PWDCA National Specialty along with the PWDC of Greater Chicago. This is a yearly event that travels East coast, Midwest, or West Coast with Regional Clubs hosting. Hillary Snyder was Co Chair with Nigel Clark of Chicago.. The eight day event was held in Frankenmuth, MI in August. This was a huge undertaking with countless hours of dedication to make the event a success. Hundreds of PWDs and their owners come from around the world to compete in Water, Conformation, Agility, Obedience, Rally, Canine Good Citizen, & Trick Dog.
A number of our Club members held key positions:
Kim O’Neill was the Treasurer. She kept busy counting and dispersing money. A daunting task.
Ronda Ryan was Chair of the Catalog Ads. There were a record number of ads this year making for a really nice catalog.
The Specialty always starts with the Water Trial, one trial over two days. Stan and Melissa Liebaert were the Co Chairs this year. We had a record 134 entries with 114 actually exhibiting. Judges Judy Murray and Alan Reisdorf were very pleased with the event. There were successful passes as well as “close but not yet” exhibitors.
Pat Vokes was Chief Steward for the Water Trial, along with assistance from her husband Buck. The Judges were so impressed with her organization of all the stewards, thus keeping the Water Trial moving smoothly.
Betsy Hodges,Pat Heinzelman, Cathe and Bill Seaman were tireless workers, from set up to take down. Sue Sutton kept the volunteers supplied with water and ice.
Members Kim O’Neill and Susan Curfman were the Obedience/Rally Chairs. Another big undertaking that was successful due to hard work and dedication.
The Club participated in Boutique Nights. Ronda Ryan chaired this event. Regional Clubs bring their wares to sell. Great fun for everyone. Pat Heinzelman used her talents to create Mini Practice Nets to use for water training. These were actually sold at the Water Trial. She donated the proceeds to the Club. Thank You Pat !
Our Club dog treats were sold at Boutique Nights, along with other misc. Club merchandise. We made a nice chunk of money!
On one evening during the Specialty a Basket Raffle is held in conjunction with dinner. Our Club contributed a Grooming Basket, full of wonderful equipment. Brenda Young prepared a list of items and Ronda Ryan put the basket together. And someone from MI won our basket!
Mary Herr was in charge of the golf cart rental. Not an easy task as everyone wanted a golf cart to zoom around in.
Brenda Young was Co-Chair of the Super Dog Award. Super Dog recognizes overall versatility for the PWD that accumulates the most points by successfully qualifying in several venues during the Specialty.
Amy Lane along with Christie Kello handled the Junior Showmanship. Well Done Ladies, there were lots of compliments on this venue. And the Juniors were a Big help during the week doing all sorts of tasks. It was a great learning experience for them.
Robin Burmeister was in charge of the Parade of Seniors and the beautiful blankets were handmade by Scott Lenz. This is always a touching event, honoring our senior dogs. Several of our members participated in this parade.
RV registration was handled by Larry Buehner. Not a small undertaking.
Ilana Israel was responsible for acquiring the vendors for the Specialty. Everyone loves to shop so having the right vendors is so important.
Another important job was the Volunteer Coordinator. Myrna Sturgill did a great job of soliciting folks to help out all week at various events. A Specialty cannot happen without lots of volunteers. She also provided token gifts as raffle items at the performance events.
Numerous Club members participated in the performance and conformation events: Obedience, Rally, Agility, Breed. Susan Curfman won High In Trial in Obedience due to great performances. Congratulations Susan!
The Specialty was a big success and our Club received lots of compliments plus a portion of the proceeds. Club members pulled together to make it all happen.
Unfortunately the October Annual Meeting had to be cancelled. Plans are already underway to secure a date well in advance for notifying the membership about the 2019 Annual Meeting.